Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Bhubaneswar is the capital town of Odisha. Bhubaneswar is well connected to all the major towns and cities of India by road, rail and air.

These three places, Puri, Konark and Bhubaneswar form a triangle which is well known as the Golden Triangle. There are several thousands of temples, both big and small located within the golden triangle. Perhaps it is the only place on earth having so many numbers of old magnificent temples located within such a small area. Naturally this Golden Triangle is the tourist's heaven. Bhubaneswar is known as the city of temples. The superiority of Odishan temple architecture is reflected in numerous temples in Bhubaneswar.

Bhubaneswar can be hypothetically divided into two parts. The old Bhubaneswar and the new one. The old Bhubaneswar is one of the oldest towns of Odisha. It was a small town before the capital of Odisha shifted from Cuttack to Bhubaneswar.

Lingaraja Temple

After Konark and Jagannath temple, Lingaraja temple is the third biggest temple in the Region. The height of the Lingaraja temple is about 150 feet. Lord Shiva is worshipped in Lingaraja Temple. Surrounding Lingaraja Temple there are several smaller temples. The Lingaraja temple was built by king Jajati Keshari towards 11th century.

Lingaraja Temple

Although one cannot find here stone carvings like at Konark but the temple has its distinct identity. This temple is architecturally distinct. Lingaraj temple surrounded by several smaller temples on the compound looks marvellous. More over if you look carefully you can see that the temples are different architecturally. Unlike the Konark temple, here worship and rituals are performed as usual.

There are several other temples for the tourists and pilgrims to visit. Among these the main temples are Rajarani, Mukteswar, Ananta Vasudeva and Kedareswar temples.

Two Damaged Temples

As per the most conservative estimate of the historians, there were more than four thousand temples alone in Bhubaneswar. Some temples are ravaged by forces of nature while many are destroyed purposefully. It is good that, now people have become aware and purposeful destruction of temples and old monuments is almost stopped whether it is a place of worship or not. More over the government is taking steps to preserve such places and structure.


Dhauli hill is located nearly eight kilometer from Bhubaneswar. It is now almost a part of Bhubaneswar. The ghastly Kalinga war was fought near this hill. It is said that the nearby Daya river turned red by the blood of the deceased fighters. This is the place where the horror of Kalinga war transformed the emperor Ashoka from Chandasoka to Dharmasoka. It means he adopted buddhism and renounced violence. Ashokan edict is found around the hill.


A white Shanti Stupa has been built on the hill top in association with Japan Buddha Sangha. From architectural point of view it is quite different from temple architecture. This magnificent Shanti Stupa is a important place of interest for both the tourists and pilgrimage. Each year tens of thousands of both Hindu and Buddhist pilgrims visit this place.

Gautam Buddha

Khandagiri and Udayagiri

The hills Khandagiri and Udayagiri are situated near Bhubaneswar. The hills are near to each other. There are some 15 caves in Khandagiri and 18 caves in Udayagiri. The cave "Hati Gumpha" is on the Udayagiri hill. The inscription of Kharavela is in this cave. The other cave, Rani gumpha is also situated on this hill. The inscription in rani gumpha reveals many important facts of that time. Khandagiri hill is famous for the scenic beauty.


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